Intervention | Progress Measure | Baseline | CY17 |
Safe sleep campaign | Number of fliers distributed; Number of digital views | Baseline TBD | 42,420 fliers; 83,914 pageviews |
Breastfeeding promotion | Number of "baby-friendly" hospitals | 3 of 6 birthing hospitals | 4 out of 6 birthing hospitals |
Home visiting for infants | Number of families of pregnant women or children ages 0-5 enrolled in home visiting programs | 3,025 for 2015 | 2,390 |
Identification & treatment of maternal mental health/substance use problems | Number of children <6 in a household with at least one adult receiving substance use disorder treatment through CBH | 2,227 children in 2016 | 2,200 |
Number of children <6 in a household with at least one adult receiving mental health services through CBH | 9,600 children in 2016 | 9,595 | |
Homelessness prevention & diversion | Number of families provided homeless prevention assistance | 348 families in FY2016 | 589 in FY17 |
Abuse prevention/parenting supports | Number of children <6 who reach permanency | 665 children in 2016 | 678 |
Number of families with children <6 receiving in home services who reached family stabilization | 1,076 families in 2016 | 1,070 | |
Early childhood education | Available seats in Keystone STAR 3 and 4 programs | 22,726 in FY2016 | 25,676 in FY17 |
Identification & remediation of hazards in home | Number of rental units newly certified as lead safe or lead free in one year | 282 units certified in 2016 | 2,462 |
Nutrition & physical activity in child care | Number of childcare providers that have received education from Department of Public Health | Baseline TBD | Trainings/in-person mtgs: 162 providers. Paper mailings received: 1,696 |
Risk | Progress Measure | Baseline | CY17 |
Cosleeping/unsafe sleep | Reduce the percent of parents reporting unsafe sleep arrangements | Baseline TBD | TBD in 2019 |
Early intervention services for infants/toddlers with or at risk for developmental delays | Number of children <36 months active in ITEI | Regular Screening: 899 in FY16. Active with Plan: 5,898 in FY16 | Regular Screening: 881 in FY17. Active with Plan: 5,898 in FY16 |
Lack of breastfeeding | Increase breastfeeding initiation | 72 percent in 2014 | 81% in CY16 |
Maternal mental health/substance use problems | Reduce the number of substance-exposed infants at birth | 281 infants in 2015 | 142 in Q1 + Q2 2017 |
Homelessness & housing instability | Reduce the number of children <6 entering shelter | 708 children in Aug-Dec 2016 | 615 children in Aug-Dec 2017; 1,222 FY17 |
Limited parenting capacity | Reduce the number of Substantiated General Protective Service reports | 5,476 reports in 2016 | 5,469 |
Child abuse/neglect | Reduce the number of Indicated Child Protective Service reports | 868 reports in 2016 | 1,022 |
Hazardous housing conditions | Reduce the rate of violations per 1,000 occupied housing units | 185.4 violations per 1,000 units in 2015 | 186 per 1,000 |
Unhealthy diet & physical inactivity | Increase the percent of childcare centers meeting Department of Public Health standards | 49 percent in 2017 | TBD in 2018 |
Outcome | Progress Measure | Baseline | Target for 2020 |
Sleep-related deaths | Reduce the number of infant sleep-related deaths | 26 deaths in 2016 | 10 deaths |
Developmental delays | Increase the percent of infants at 18 months meeting all SWYC developmental milestones | Baseline TBD | Target TBD |
School readiness | Increase the number of entering kindergarten students who are kindergarten-ready | Baseline TBD | Target TBD |
Injuries | Reduce the number of injury visits to emergency departments among children <6 | 12,213 emergency department visits in 2016 | 10,000 emergency department visits |
Asthma exacerbations | Reduce the number of asthma emergency department visits among children <6 | 5,892 emergency department visits in 2016 | 4,000 emergency department visits |
Lead exposure | Reduce the number of children <6 newly diagnosed with blood lead ≥ 5 µg/dL | 1,580 children in 2016 | 1,200 children |
Obesity | Decrease the percent of children enrolled in kindergarten or first grade who are overweight or obese | 31.3 percent of children during 2014-2015 school year | 30.5 percent of children during 2019-2020 school year |